
What Michelle Mae’s Clients Are Saying:

“I am being treated for allergy problems related to my apartment and chemicals. My biofeedback sessions with Michelle are so informative physically, spiritually, and emotionally. She really takes the time to explain what the frequencies show and gives you “right on” feedback. Michelle is there for you between sessions to give you positive suggestions. She has helped me to reconnect to a spiritual part of me that had laid dormant and most importantly to Own My Power. Michelle is caring, positive, spiritual, and a joy-filled person, and I feel very grateful that she is in my life, as I feel there are no coincidences.”

— Carol W.

“Michelle help my daughter with her stomach issues after the doctors failed to heal it. She suffered for months after an illness, not being able to eat much to the point she looked pale and skinny. Michelle using quantum biofeedback cleared up the issue in one sitting. She immediately got her appetite back and now looks great.”

— Angela S.

“I was introduced to Michelle by Dr. Chan at her Fort Lauderdale office. I am being treated for allergy problems related to my apartment and chemicals. My biofeedback sessions with Michelle are so informative physically, spiritually, and emotionally. She really takes the time to explain what the frequency show and gives you “right on” feedback. Michelle is there for you between sessions to give you positive suggestions. She has help me reconnect to spiritual part of me that has been dormant and most importantly to “Own My Power”. 

— Client from Fort Lauderdale, FL

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